A Christian Response to SatanCon 2023

Hundreds of attendees travelled to Boston for SatanCon 2023, which organizers claim was the largest gathering of satanists in history – although not all attendees participated in the three-day event. Organizers claim that Satan is a literary character who ridicules traditional religion. The event’s activities included ripping pages from Bibles, frequent displays of upside-down crosses, holding “unbaptism services,” and other anti-Christian displays, all of which were intended to mock religious ideas.

It is possible that some individuals participated in the event due to curiosity, but it is crucial to recognize the potential dangers of such involvement. Regardless of personal beliefs regarding the existence of Satan, individuals should approach such events with caution and awareness of the destructive ideas and spiritual risks that they may inadvertently be inviting into their lives. It is important to note that demonic forces can impact anyone, irrespective of personal beliefs or disbelief. Therefore, individuals should be mindful of their choices and the potential impact they may have. Exercise care and caution when interacting with events or activities that may have spiritual implications.

Even as people and nations continue to rage against God, their schemes are in vain (Psalm 2). The power of God is limitless and His light shines even the darkest corners of the world. Though those who oppose Him may seem numerous and emboldened, God is not blind to what is happening. The light continues to shine in the darkness. Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12), and he draws people out of darkness into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). Let us not be discouraged in the face of adversity, but rather look to the promise of salvation that awaits us and all who turn to Jesus in faith.

What should our response as believers in Jesus be to such events? We need to not lose hope. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Kingdom of God (Matt 16:18). It’s understandable that some people would want to avoid this event at all costs. To not be anywhere near such an event may be a wise decision for many believers in Jesus – or many people in general. Other Christians responded by traveling to Boston to share the gospel – which is the only hope any of us have.

Believers in Jesus, let us not lose hope amidst the chaos. The Kingdom of God will forever stand strong, and the gates of hell shall never prevail against it (Matt 16:18). While avoiding such events is a wise decision for many people, let us also consider spreading the message of hope that only Jesus can offer. Even in the darkest of places, there are opportunities to share the gospel with compassion and love. It is reported that Christians at the event had compassion on satanists and spectators. They claim that prayers went up and walls came down. There are reports that over 100 people came to faith because of Christians sharing the gospel.

In whatever we do, we need to remember that we are in a spiritual battle. These physical events are physical manifestations of a deeper spiritual reality. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6;12). While some Christians respond by avoiding these types of events alltogether and others go – not to be a part of the event, but in hopes to share the gospel – we can all be involved by being dedicated to offer intentional prayers as Ephesians 6 mentions in the “armor of God” section: “Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18).

Let us not forget that we are constantly in spiritual warfare. While certain physical events may be happening around us, we must keep in mind that they are only a reflection of the deep spiritual conflicts that take place. We find our true opposition not from people and things around us, but the evil forces ruling this world. Though responses to these events may vary, it is crucial that we remain steadfast in prayer, armed with the unfailing “armor of God.” Even if we choose not to participate, let us be determined to pray diligently and intentionally. Remember that we are called to “pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication” (Ephesians 6:18). So let us hold each other up in prayer and remain ever-vigilant as we seek to be faithful ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor 5:2).

– Ruskin Clay

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